To Pull An Infile

1.       Double-click the Genesis 2000 icon.





2.       This places you on the main screen of Genesis 2000 for Windows.










3. Create a new test file by clicking on OPEN LOAN or press the [Insert] key and enter the name of your file.




3.       Click on CREDIT RPT button and choose OTHER 3RD PARTY INTERFACE from the drop down menu. This will bring up a File Selection Box. Select the CREDIT.EXE. This will bring up Genesis 2000’s export utility. Double Click on the file you wish to export.
If you selected to have the prompt for product a window will pop up. Select the product from the drop down list and click on the GO button.






5. After the file has been exported:  the Sentinel program will find the export file and start the Xpert Client and the process sequence.







6. The downloaded Credit Report information can now be imported into Genesis 2000 as follows:


7. From the Genesis main screen, select (highlight) the test file and click on the OPEN LOAN button.








8. Click on the UPLD CREDIT icon.




9. Click on the UPLOAD button. This will tie the credit information to the file.







10. Click on the FORMS button, choose FORM 1003.








11. Genesis’ Liability Section now contains the balance information from your Infile.

12. To view the liabilities, click on the CHARGE ACC or OTHER LOANS buttons on the toolbar.





Pulling an RMCR or Supplement

1. Run the Xpert Client from it’s shortcut and click the PROCESS button to retrieve the RMCR from the Xpert Host.

2. The Xpert Client will return a merged RMCR through the Xpert System.

3. The downloaded Credit Report information can now be imported into Genesis 2000 as follows:

4. From the Genesis main screen, select (highlight) the file and click on the OPEN LOAN button.

5. Click on the UPLD CREDIT icon.

6. Click on UNTIE FROM BORROWER button.

7. Click on the SHOW ALL REQ button and choose the file with the time and date that corresponds with your RMCR request, click on SELECT button and click on the UPLOAD button. This will tie the credit information to the test file.

8. Click on the FORMS button, choose FORM 1003.

9. Genesis’ Liability Section now contains the balance information from your Infile.

10. To view the reverse-linked liabilities, click on the CHARGE ACC or OTHER LOANS buttons on the toolbar.


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